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In contrast with a tankless water heater, traditional water heaters come standard with anode rods. Without one, the water heater would develop corrosion and rust in a short time and wear out in a matter of a few years. Anode rods, however, wear down sooner than a heater and need regular checkups and replacements by Carter’s Plumbing. Learn more about this crucial feature below:

Corrosive Factors

Water heaters are susceptible to corrosion due to water composition. Dissolved gases, including carbon monoxide, can make water acidic. Such chemical processes as rusting result from exposure to moisture or oxygen. Excessive heat can also corrode the interior of your unit, which requires prompt water heater repair in Waterford Township, MI.

How Anodes Protect Your Tank

Metals in anodes protect tank interiors by corroding before the tank’s steel. An electrochemical process happens when two metals, one with a higher likelihood of corrosion, are immersed in water.

Anode metal has a more negative electrochemical potential than steel. Electrons with a negative charge create a flow of higher voltage from the anode to the tank’s steel interior. While your anode rods delay the corrosion of your tank, scheduling prompt water heater services will help prevent issues caused by damaged anode rods.

Anode Rod Metals

Standard materials for anode rods in a new water heater installation are aluminum, magnesium or zinc. Aluminum is best for use in high-pH or hard water. Magnesium works best in soft water, and zinc is often used to correct odors.

How Often Should Anode Rods Be Checked?

Many factors contribute to an anode rod’s life expectancy, not least of which is water composition, such as hard or soft water or acidity. However, you should call Carter’s Plumbing, a trusted plumber in Waterford Township, MI, for a checkup generally between two to five years.

Anode rods are among the most important components in home appliances and should receive consistent checkups to avoid major problems and the expense of major water heater replacement. For reliable plumbing and water heater services, contact Carter’s Plumbing today.

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